- Parents/Guardians must provide written permission and instructions for any medications taken during the program by any student under the age of 18.
- The student’s family must provide the medicine in its original pharmacy container labeled with the student’s name, medicine name, dosage and timing of consumption.
- Over-the-counter medications must be provided in their manufacturers’ container.
- Staff will keep the medicine in a secure location, and at the appropriate time for distribution shall meet with the camper.
- Staff members will allow the camper to self-administer the appropriate dose as shown on the container.
- If a camper is not able to self administer medication, then arrangements for the administration of any medicine must be coordinated between staff and parents/guardians.
- Personal “epi” pens and inhalers may be carried by the student during all camp activities.
- Students are expected to be respectful and courteous to one another, instructors, teaching assistants and all staff.
- Students are required to participate in all scheduled activities. If there is any reason that the student needs to be excused, please contact the instructor.
- Students are not permitted to go off campus without the written consent from a parent or guardian.
- Misuse or damage of University property is unacceptable. Charges will be assessed against those who are responsible for damage or misusing University property.
- Possession and use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
- Possession of fireworks, guns and other weapons
- Stealing
- Disruptive behavior
- Hazing and bullying (including verbal, physical and cyber)
- Violence of any kind– this includes sexual abuse and harassment
- Inappropriate use of cameras, imaging, and digital devices including use of such devices in restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected by participants
All programs are located on our beautifully wooded Penn State Abington campus located in Montgomery County in Abington, PA.
Staff instructors are a mix of University faculty members and University approved local school teachers. Our team of teaching assistants consists of current Penn State students. Teaching assistants must be 18 years or older.
Instructor/teaching assistant to participant ratio - Average 1:8
The average program size is between 12 to 24 students. Each program has one instructor and 2 to 3 teaching assistants. The number of teaching assistants assigned to each program will depend on the enrollment and needs for each program.
All instructors and teaching assistants receive training and information about their responsibilities and expectations; campus policies, procedures, and enforcement; appropriate crisis/emergency responses and reporting procedures; safety and security procedures; and confidentiality issues involving minors. All instructors and counselors are required to pass reference and background checks, including a Criminal Background Check and Child Abuse Check.
Teaching assistants and staff members supervise students throughout their entire day on campus.
All students on campus who are under the age of 18 are considered minors. All program staff adhere to University policies outlining appropriate supervision of minors involved in University-sponsored programs. Policies can be made available upon request.
During the day, students are escorted and supervised to and from all destinations. Teaching assistants and adult program staff are responsible for the supervision of students during the entire lunch hour. Students are not permitted to leave their program area and/or classroom buildings without supervision by instructors and/or teaching assistants. Additionally, students are not allowed to leave the campus for any reason without written permission from their parents/guardians.
For additional information about Penn State University's Youth Program policies, click here: Information for Parents
For specific information about registration procedures, click here: Camp Registration
For assistance with course registration, please contact the Office for Outreach Non-credit Registration at 814-867-4973.
For general questions about the summer youth programs, please call the Office of Continuing Education at 215-881-7339.
Most camps meet Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please check each specific program description for hours.
Programs begin at 9:00 a.m. Drop-off and pick-up takes place in the various program classrooms. We recommend that students get dropped off a few minutes before 9:00 a.m. We do not offer before and after care for our summer participants.
Parents/guardians of minors are required to “sign-in” each student at the start of each day and “sign-out” their children at the end of each camp day. Parents/guardians must list on the program registration form all individuals authorized to pick up the student from the program. Minors will not be released to anyone not designated by parent/guardian. Persons picking up campers will be required to show ID on the first day of the program.
Please note that the University cannot release the names or phone numbers of other participants.
Parents/guardians who need to pick up students before the designated end time of the program must provide a signed note stating the time of pick up and who will be picking up the student. During early pick up, a parent/guardian will be required to sign out and pick up the student directly from their classroom.
Students arriving late should report directly to the program classroom and sign their students in with the teaching assistant. Parents arriving late should notify the Continuing Education office at 215-881-7339 to find out the location of the classroom.
Please call 215-881-7487 or email czc6162@psu.edu if your child is not able to attend class due to illness or any other circumstance.
If you need to contact your child for any reason during the day, please contact the Continuing Education Office at 215-881-7339.
Protecting our students is our number one priority on campus. That means being ready for the unexpected. We are continually reassessing our safety practices to ensure an enjoyable experience by all.
All classrooms are equipped with basic first aid kits and the instructional staff is trained in basic first aid procedures. During any issue involving injury, parents/guardians will be notified immediately. Penn State Abington does not have a nurse on campus during the summer, however all campus security officers as well as numerous campus officials are first aid/CPR/AED trained and certified. Our campus is located less than a mile from Abington Memorial Hospital.
In the event of an illness or injury that would require more extensive evaluation, every reasonable attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian.
Please note that The Pennsylvania State University does not provide medical insurance to cover emergency care or medical treatment of your child.
Parents/guardians may sign up for emergency alerts via social media at PSUAlert.
Penn State Abington program officials are not permitted to administer any topical or oral substances to students, including topical antibiotic creams, sunscreens and insect repellents.
Penn State Abington program officials may dispense over-the-counter or prescription medications to participants under the following conditions:
Parents/Guardians of students with severe allergies are required to complete a Youth Medical Form. A copy of this plan will remain with the student’s teaching assistant(s) and instructor at all times.
Penn State encourages qualified individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. Information involving special accommodations must be received by our office in writing at least one month prior to the start of the program for which you are registering your child. This information will be kept confidential and revealed only to the necessary staff and health professionals. Parents are encouraged to share any special issues that the program director and instructors should be aware of (diet restrictions, learning challenges, behavioral challenges, etc.)
All program participants must abide by the following University Regulations and Standards of Conduct prohibiting the following:
Participants in violation of any of the above rules and regulations will be verbally warned and given a first offense. If a second violation is observed, the program staff will contact the parent or guardian of the participant. If a third violation is observed, the student will be withdrawn from the program and the parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the child immediately. No refunds will be given for students released from the program due to rule violations.
Enrollment is limited in all of our programs to ensure a quality learning experience for everyone involved. We encourage you to register early.
Program enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once a program is full, you are welcome to call 215-881-7339 to add your name to the waitlist. Waitlist participants will be notified on a first-come, first-serve basis if a spot does become available.
All cancellations made by participants at least 5 business days prior to the first day of the program will result in a refund, minus $35 administrative fee per program. Refund requests made after that will not be honored and the participant and/or sponsoring organization will be responsible for the entire fee. All cancellations must be made by calling 215-881-7339.
All program prices and dates are subject to change at any time. Further, the University reserves the right to cancel or postpone any program due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. If a program is cancelled by the university, registrants will be notified immediately and registration fee refunds will be processed.